For Loops

In this tutorial we are going to take a look at for loops, how to parametrize what they draw, and how to nest them.

First, let’s start with a simple sketch that draws circles:

But, 😱 …. there’s so much that can be improved here…

First, variables! Let’s make it so we can easily change circle diameter, start location and spacing:

Better ! This way we can easily change the size of our circles (cDiam), where they start (xOffset), the distance between their centers (xSpacing) and their vertical location (yPos). Take some time to change those variables and re-run the code to see exactly what each of them does. Fun, right? But we’re still repeating a bunch of code!

for() loops to the rescue! We can refactor the code above into this simpler structure:

The resulting drawing is a little bit different; the circles go right off the canvas. We can try to control that in a couple of ways.

The first way is to use our xOffset variable to stop the for loop once xPos gets to width - xOffset instead of width:

The second way requires more changes to the code, so we can keep track of the number of circles instead of where they are being drawn:

There’s a lot of new stuff there. We declared a new variable numCircles that defines how many circles we want to draw (7 for now). In our for statement we have cCnt now, which keeps track of the number of circles drawn. It iterates from 0 to numCircles. In this case it goes from 0 to 6. Wait… what!? Weren’t we drawing 7 circles?? Yes!, but if you count from 0 to 6 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) that’s actually 7 numbers. That’s a bit confusing at first, but we’ll see this a lot and get used to the fact that in programming we usually start counting from 0.

What about this: let xPos = xOffset + cCnt * xSpacing;?

That’s how we calculate the xPosition of our circles based on how many circles we’ve drawn in our loop. The first time the loop executes cCnt is 0, so xPos = xOffset + 0 * xSpacing or xPos = xOffset. That seems right.

In the second iteration that becomes xPos = xOffset + 1 * xSpacing. The xPosition of the center of the second circle is the initial offset plus 1 amount of spacing between circle centers. In the third iteration it’s xPos = xOffset + 2 * xSpacing because there’s the initial offset plus 2 amounts of spacing for the 2 circles already drawn. We can play around with the variable values to get a better feeling for the math behind this calculation.

It’s important to take a moment here and understand the difference between the two methods of drawing the circles. In the first case our loop variable and stop condition is based on the location of the circles and in the second case it’s based on the number of circles drawn.

Let’s go back to the first way (by location) and add some variables for looping in the other direction:

Take some time to play with the variables to see how they affect our drawing.

And now, let’s say that when we’re looping in the horizontal direction, instead of drawing one circle for every location of xPos we want to draw an entire column of circles?

Nested for() loops to the rescue! We can just copy the whole loop statement that draws a column of circles and put that inside the first loop that iterates in the horizontal direction (and make sure the ellipse() command uses the xPos and yPos variables):


Now we can play with all the variables and see how they change the drawing:

Or we can start adding variations to the circles based on their position, like, changing color based on the x and y location fo the circle:

Or, increase diameter along with the x position:

Or, color based on x position and size based on y position:

And if we really want to stretch our looping abilities we can add another level of for() looping to draw concentric circles at each x and y position:

Take some time to play with this code and make sure all the variables and loops make sense.

Loops are very powerful constructs in programming. Looking at the code above, we’re drawing many many circles (how many exactly?), but our code only has one line with one ellipse() command.

As always, since we are using variables everywhere we can change their values or use them to change our circle at each iteration of our loop:
