Homework 14

Due: 2023/12/20 by 1PM

Project (18 points)


Our final project is an opportunity to combine everything that we’ve learned to create a piece of work that showcases not only our technical knowledge, but also our design skills, and ability to think critically while making connections between our readings and our practice.

For full credit projects should have a physical-computing aspect, and an audio or visual aspect, so this means using both an Arduino for input or output, together with a p5js sketch. Projects also have to have custom functions, arrays, objects or classes, for() loops and if() statements, and demonstrate forethought and planning. At the same time, we’re expected to go beyond the basic concepts of programming, so use of external libraries is extremely encouraged.

This Milestone: Final Code, Documentation and Video


For this week’s milestone you will finish the code to fully bring your idea into practice.

Your repository should have your arduino code and your p5js code.


Your repository should have a README with the following information:

  • System diagram
  • FSM diagram
  • Circuit diagram
  • Description of any external data or library that you are planning to use
  • Description of any sensor, output component or mechanism that you are planning on using or building
  • Reference images, texts and projects
  • Short discussion of why your project is relevant:
    • how is it related to our readings?
    • how does it connected to society?
    • why is it important to you?
  • Short discussion of feedback from user testing

Even if these were included in a previous milestone, include a copy or updated version under one cohesive “final” writeup section in your README.


Make a shorty video where you talk about the project and show it working. Make sure to show the circuit,the interactions and the p5js component. Ask a friend for help to make sure the video shows everything while you talk a little bit about the project.

Class presentation

Bring your project to class on 2023/12/20.

We will do another round-table of project presentations and get some final feedback from each other. Again, this is not formal and we will not need slides or anything.

Submission and Grading

Please submit a video of your project and a link to your project repository via Brightspace.

The following guide will be used for grading:

Task Points
Documentation 3 points
Video 3 points
Participation 3 points
Project is compliant 3 points
Project is ex-pressive 3 points
Project is in-pressive 3 points

Documentation: project has a healthy README with weekly updates, sketches, images, references and progress reports, AND all of the elements specified above under the Documentation section.

Video: video shows the different uses, situations and interactions for the project, and clearly shows the circuit and any audio or visual outputs.

Participation: presented and gave feedback during the class round-table sessions.

Compliant: project followed the requirements: it’s interactive, uses arduino and p5js, includes custom functions, arrays, objects or classes, for() loops and if() statements… etc.

Ex-pressive: project demonstrates your personality. It makes connections between course content, the rest of the world and your own interests as an artist, designer, technologist.

In-pressive: project was challenging, demonstrates growth and shows mastery of programming concepts.