Homework 13

Due: 2023/12/13 by 1PM

Read & Respond (5 points)

One Last Reading !

Write a 200-word response to the following:

1. The Question Concerning Technology in China by Yuk Hui
Introduction (pdf pages 1 - 17)

As always, your response should be personal, meaning that you should be expressing your views and opinions about the text and not just summarizing it. You can use the following rubric to guide your response:

  • Short summary: in one or two phrases, what is the text about?
  • Memorable quote: Is there a phrase in the text that stands out or captures the main idea of the text?
  • Did you learn something new? What?
  • What do you agree or disagree with? Why?
  • How is this text related to programming?
  • Is the text related to any of the other readings we’ve done so far?

Please submit your response via Brightspace.

Alternatively, you may create a reading.md file in a GitHub repo and write your response in markdown. Just make sure to submit a link to the file using Brightspace.

Grading for the reading will be assigned following these considerations:

Response Grade
Only summarized the reading 1 point
Answered some of the prompts, but I can’t tell whether
you actually read the text
3 points
Answered enough prompts to express opinions 5 points

Project (12 points)


Our final project is an opportunity to combine everything that we’ve learned to create a piece of work that showcases not only our technical knowledge, but also our design skills, and ability to think critically while making connections between our readings and our practice.

For full credit projects should have a physical-computing aspect, and an audio or visual aspect, so this means using both an Arduino for input or output, together with a p5js sketch. Projects also have to have custom functions, arrays, objects or classes, for() loops and if() statements, and demonstrate forethought and planning. At the same time, we’re expected to go beyond the basic concepts of programming, so use of external libraries is extremely encouraged.

Before starting work on Milestone 3, your repository should have a README with the following information:

  • System diagram
  • FSM diagram
  • Circuit diagram
  • Description of any external data or library that you are planning to use
  • Description of any sensor, output component or mechanism that you are planning on using or building
  • Reference images, texts and projects
  • Plan for user testing
  • Short discussion of why your project is relevant:
    • how is it related to our readings?
    • how does it connected to society?
    • why is it important to you?

This Milestone: Working Prototype and Pseudo-code

For this week’s milestone you will further develop your project by working on its code and circuit.

Your code doesn’t have to be final, but all the major pieces should be in place, with pseud-code where appropriate, and it should be easy to see how you will finish it in the next week.

By this milestone your repository should have:

  • A healthy amount of Arduino and p5js code
  • Code for communication between Arduino and p5js
  • Pseudocode or outline of any functions, classes or logic that is yet to be implemented
  • Documentation of a working circuit
  • Updated circuit diagram, system diagram and FSM diagram

Please submit a video of your circuit and project and a link to your project repository via Brightspace.

Class presentation

Bring your project to class on 2023/12/13.

We will do a quick round-table of project presentations and progress report, get some feedback from each other and use the time to work on the project.

This is not formal and we will not need slides or anything. It will be an informal showing of what you have so far.

Next Milestones

Milestone 4 (due: 2023/12/20)
In class demo and presentation (30 points)

This will include a short presentation and demo during class, final code review and a final writeup.