Homework 09

Due: 2023/11/08 by 1PM

Programming (10 points)


This is a very open ended assignment where we get to pick one or more libraries to explore and create something with.

This can be any of the ones we saw in class, or that are on the p5js website, or anywhere else. Usually, using libraries that have been developed specifically for p5js will be easier, but any library written in JavaScript can potentially be adapted to work with p5js.

The libraries we saw in class:

  • p5.speech : Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text.
  • RiTa : computational poetry, text analysis and synthesis.
  • p5play : games and physics-based object interactions.
  • ml5.js : for Machine Learning

Some we didn’t see, but look interesting:

  • Grafica : graphs and plots.
  • c2.js : computational geometry, physics simulation.
  • p5.pattern : creating and using patterns.
  • p5.Polar : drawing shapes and patterns using polar coordinates.


There are no strict requirements for this assignment, but some expectations:

  • Make it personal. Make it interesting.
  • Make it different from the library examples.
  • Document your exploration of the library.
  • When in doubt, ask.

With better endings, the two “games” that are in our week 09 repository would be good examples of the type of complexity that is expected.

Submission and Grading:

Start by cloning our template into a repo called HW09. The original single-sketch template is fine since there’s only one exercise this week.

Include a README that answers the following:

  • Which library(ies) did you choose? Include link(s).
  • What was your original idea?
  • What did you try?
  • What did you end up implementing?
  • What was hard or challenging about using other people’s code?

Please enable GitHub pages on your GitHub repo and use Brightspace to submit the link to your repository.

The following guide will be used for grading:

Task Points
README file 2 points
Follow assignment instructions 2 points
Implementation 2 points
Thoughtfulness 2 points
Craft 2 points

Implementation: work shows evidence of understanding programming concepts and you are fully using them to express your ideas.

Thoughtfulness: project demonstrates your personality and it’s not a straightforward re-implementation of someone else’s idea.

Craft: code and results show care and consideration for presentation and professionalism, and work doesn’t look like it was rushed.

Read & Respond (5 points)

How is data related to the Anthropocene?

Keep this question in mind while you read and write a 200-word response to the following:

1. The Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford
Introduction (pdf pages 1 - 18)
2. New Extractivism by Vladan Joler
The text or the video on the website

As always, your response should be personal, meaning that you should be expressing your views and opinions about the text and not just summarizing it. You can use the following rubric to guide your response:

  • Short summary: in one or two phrases, what are these texts about?
  • Memorable quote: Is there a phrase in the text or video that stands out or captures their main idea?
  • Did you learn something new? What?
  • What do you agree or disagree with? Why?
  • How are the texts related?
  • Did the texts remind you of any other texts we’ve read so far?
  • How are the texts related to programming?
  • Was there anything in the texts that surprised you? What? Why?

Please submit your response via Brightspace.

Alternatively, you may create a reading.md file in your HW09 repo and write your response in markdown. Just make sure to submit a link to the file using Brightspace.