Homework 07

Due: 2023/10/25 by 1PM

Project (30 points)

Milestone 3 (due: 2023/10/25)
Demo and Presentation (30 points)

Finish the mid-term project !

You have the week to finish your project, documentation and presentation.

By the due date you should have your project up and running on a live page hosted on GitHub.


Everyone will have 5 minutes to present their project to the class.

We have a presentation template here. Feel free to make your own. Just make sure the following slides are included:

  1. Title slide
  2. Plot summary
  3. Aspect of plot explored
  4. Challenges (imagined and real)
  5. Part of the code you’re proud of
  6. Link to live page for a short demonstration


Include a progress writeup in your README file with:

  • what you’ve done this week
  • description of the final interactivity or time-based logic
  • images, drawings, sketches

Please use Brightspace to submit a link to your project repository, and a link or pdf file of your presentation.


The following guide will be used for grading:

Task Points
Presentation 6 points
Documentation 6 points
Project is compliant 6 points
Project is ex-pressive 6 points
Project is in-pressive 6 points

Presentation: slides, presentation and demo are well organized, easy to follow and compelling.

Documentation: project has a healthy README with weekly updates, sketches, images, references and progress reports.

Compliant: project followed the requirements: it’s interactive or time-based, it includes custom functions, arrays, objects or classes, for() loops and if() statements.

Ex-pressive: project demonstrates your personality. It makes connections between course content, the rest of the world and your own interests as an artist, designer, technologist.

In-pressive: project was challenging, demonstrates growth and shows mastery of programming concepts.